More images are available for Sunday, July 1st, 2007
Ibanez SRX-705 5-String Bass
I love this bass; I'd been trying, trading, buying, selling basses for about 30 years without ever finding one I really felt fit me perfectly. Then my friend Evan bought one of these, let me play it, and it was like a light had gone on. But he looked at me like I was out of my mind when I offered to buy it. So, holding my breath (because instruments tend to differ from individual to individual) I ordered one of my own, and was rewarded with an instrument just like his. I'm done trading basses now, after over a hundred of them. If you are a bass player, and you can find one of these, try to get an opportunity to play it. An amazing instrument. Delicious active electronics, a super fast neck, beautiful bodywork... I simply can't say enough good about this thing. And I have nothing negative to say about it. EXIF:
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