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Thursday, November 21st, 2013
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Cat House in the Snow

So here's the cathouse under the veil of our first snow of the season. It's about 10°F out there, and the neighborhood's free roaming kitties will be nice and comfy upstairs inside, all shielded from the wind and so forth.

The upper floor is well shielded from any wind and has a nice comforter, while both floors are heated, so this is a warm, soft, clean and dry refuge for them during the Montana winters, which otherwise tend to do damage to ears and tails. Access to the yard is only through a small "elf" size opening, so dogs and other predators (for instance, children) can't get in and bedevil the felines.

The entire project was made out of 4x8 plywood and a few 2x2's, plus plexiglass for the windows, and of course some paint. Deb did the stained glass.

#cathouse #stainedglass


Width: 3143
Height: 2095
Company:  Canon
Camera:  Canon EOS 6D
Shot On:  2013:11:21 00:07:24
Lens Model:  EF24mm ƒ/1.4L II USM
Aperture:  ƒ/1.4
Focal Length:  24.0mm
Metering Mode:  Pattern
Exposure Mode:  Auto
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Exposure Time:  1/30th second
Exposure Program:  Aperture Priority
ISO:  3200

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