Welcome to cat-silly-rock, the catsle upon our deck. Our feral feline fortress provides two floors, each with minimum 1.5 foot clearance. There's a large heated pad for the cats to sleep on in the second floor area, as well as a blown-air heater. There are also lights in each tower (1 watt LEDs), a hi-def security camera, built-in cat toys, and two entrances / exits to give them a means to bail if someone gets aggressive. And yes, the drawbridge works. I got the snow off there so they can get in and out across the drawbridge... I just wanted to shoot it as it looked this morning. BTW, the main entrance was agreeably free of snow; you just can't see it in this shot, as it is inside the barbican. It gets really cold here in Montana, so we wanted to build a cat shelter. We may have gone a little nuts. 😊
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