So for the outdoor kitties, we wanted to make them a shelter. I've started on the project, and here it is — it's going to be a small castle, 32 square feet of floor space on two floors. You can see how the crenelations are going to go, I've done one face of one tower. The peaked roof will have two coats of arms, one on each side. As mentioned, there are two floors inside, the first where you see the cat door, the other 16" above that. The towers all open by lifting out the tops for access to the bedding and cleaning of the 2nd floor. This is just the start: There's more basic woodwork to do, caulking, painting, windows, mounting of interior cameras, soft bedding, insulation, and a side door on the second floor to allow for exit in case a stray cat corners the kitty or kitties inside. There's a few random screws sticking out, those are used to hook bungie cords on, which in turn hold a tarp on so it does get wet before it's painted. Lots more work to do, but it's a start!
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