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Sunday, January 21st, 2018
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The Watching

So here's Mittens, ensconced on the heated pad in the Catsle, viewed on the upper left security camera, keeping an eye on his brother Socks through a Catsle window. Socks is having a snack, as you can see in the upper right security camera. The Catsle itself is visible at the lower left, while the bottom right is a view off the SE corner of the house.

Socks and Mittens are free range kitties that have chosen our back yard and deck as their home base. Their mother, Mama Kitty, is also a regular here, but isn't in this shot.

The Catsle is on our back deck, inside our thoroughly fenced-in back yard. The local cats know better than to go around the front of the house; it's too busy, and we make sure they're fed and watered (heated water dish... otherwise they'd just be "iced") so they don't need to range far. We trap, neuter and delouse as well, which keeps them more inclined to hang around.

#cat #cathouse #catsle #brubbies #socks #mittens #feral


Width: 768
Height: 429
Company:  Samsung
Camera:  SM-G930V (Galaxy S7 Cellphone)
Shot On:  2018:01:21 10:15:52
Lens Model:  Samsung Galaxy S7 Rear Camera
Aperture:  ƒ/1.7
Focal Length:  4.2mm
Metering Mode:  Center
Exposure Mode:  Auto
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Light Source:  Unknown
Exposure Time:  1/120th second
Exposure Program:  Normal Program
ISO:  100

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