Another image is available for Monday, January 21st, 2008
This was with the Canon 300 mm zoom. Which is... meh. I sharpened this as far as DPP would go; the lens is soft at 300 mm, this is about as much detail as you can retrieve without sophisticated image processing. The good news is that at less extreme zooms, the lens is quite a bit sharper. Still, if I want a close zoom for wildlife or subjects like the moon as seen here, in the future, I'm going to take out the Phoenix catadioptric, not the Canon. It is my intent to (someday) add the Canon EF 100 mm - 400 mm ƒ/4.5-5.6L IS USM to my kit; that should do a lot better. But patience is required while the cookie jar is rebuilt from the shards it spontaneously shattered into when my resolve failed and I bought the 85mm ƒ/1.2L... 😊 EXIF:
1:1250 Ships - Amiga - Animations - Aquarium - Arcade - Art - Astro - Audio - Aurora - B&W - Ben - Cars - Cathouses - Cats - Clouds - Comics - Comets - Crepuscular - Dollhouses - Deb - Deer - Designs - DTank - Eclipses - Family - Fireworks - Florida - Fog - Food - Friends - Gear - Ham Radio - Horses - Humor - Infrared - IROC - iToolBox - James Blish - Judy - Library - Meezers - Milford - Minerals - Models - Montana - Moon - Morphing - Motorcycles - Music - OSX - Pareidolia - Pickles - Pinups - Pizza - Portraits - Radios - Rainbows - Recipes - ReFlex - Restorations - Science Fiction - SdrDx - Shortwave - Spaghetti - Stained Glass - Storms - Sunbeams - Sunrises - Sunsets - Superstition - |