I shot this with the moon just over the southwest horizon. I could see the details rippling with atmospheric distortion in the "live view" of the camera; I shot seven frames and stacked them in WinImages in order to reduce the atmospherics somewhat. Once that was done, I took the result, sharpened it, adjusted the levels, reduced the size about 25%. Then I took it into Aperture and recovered some shadow detail, and this is the final result. I shot this right off the east end of my porch, directly underneath a full power sodium street lamp. The moon is so bright, local lighting conditions are almost irrelevant. Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 600 mm catadioptric ƒ/8 prime, ISO 200, 1/250th exposure (x7), tripod, 2s shutter holdoff, manual focus (there's no AF on this lens anyway.)
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