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Other images in the #cathouse series:

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Saturday, October 15th, 2005
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Another image is available for Saturday, October 15th, 2005

A House For Our Cats

We let our cats outside, but then again, not really. They have a cat door that lets them get to this enclosure from the main house, and they can retreat into the miniature building shown here if the weather gets annoying or a dog wanders up to the fence. The house has two floors, is illuminated inside, and has glass (well, plexiglass) in all the openings except the door itself. The base you see there is painted plywood, which prevents the little buggers from digging out, which they otherwise would try very hard to do. The top of the enclosure is covered with chicken wire, so it's safe from large predators. They spend a lot of time out here in warm weather, and even when it rains they sit on the porch there, but when it snows, sometimes you don't see them outside for days at a time.

#cathouse #pk #prettykitty


Width: 800
Height: 600
Company:  Olympus optical co.,ltd
Camera:  E-20,E-20N,E-20P
Shot On:  2005:10:15 15:22:14
Aperture:  ƒ/4.0
Exposure Time:  1/500th second
Exposure Program:  Normal Program
ISO:  80

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