More images are available for Friday, August 22nd, 2008
Bishop's Mental State
I was sitting there after having had my posterior handed to me by my friend Evan, when I noticed that effect; I said "I oughta get my camera..." then about two seconds later, I said " I am going to get my camera!" and after prodding a few pieces elsewhere on the board for a nicer distribution in the refraction, here it is. Evan's down there on the lower right as you look at the image. In both the head and the little ball-cap. Difficult to stay out of an image when the lens approximates a sphere! EXIF:
1:1250 Ships - Amiga - Animations - Aquarium - Arcade - Art - Astro - Audio - Aurora - B&W - Ben - Cars - Cathouses - Cats - Clouds - Comics - Comets - Crepuscular - Dollhouses - Deb - Deer - Designs - DTank - Eclipses - Family - Fireworks - Florida - Fog - Food - Friends - Gear - Ham Radio - Horses - Humor - Infrared - IROC - iToolBox - James Blish - Judy - Library - Meezers - Milford - Minerals - Models - Montana - Moon - Morphing - Motorcycles - Music - OSX - Pareidolia - Pickles - Pinups - Pizza - Portraits - Radios - Rainbows - Recipes - ReFlex - Restorations - Science Fiction - SdrDx - Shortwave - Spaghetti - Stained Glass - Storms - Sunbeams - Sunrises - Sunsets - Superstition - |