Another image is available for Friday, September 12th, 2008
Canon EOS 40D, Hooded Canon EF 100-400 mm ƒ/4.5-5.6L IS USM zoom w/1.6x TC @ 560 mm, ISO 100, 1/80th sec. exposure, ƒ/8, tripod, 2 sec. shutter delay, live view, manual focus, IS off. For the RAW to JPEG conversion and the clipping, I used Aperture; for the channel conversion, I used WinImages; for the dual-level unsharp mask, I used the Gimp. I cropped the image, then took the green channel to eliminate blur caused by monochrome conversions from multiple channels as a result of CA; used two different widths of unsharp mask to bring out large and small features; applied a moderate amount of sharpening; pushed the levels just slightly at the expense of the left edge. Finally, I brought it back into Aperture, used shadows to bring that left edge back a little bit, and sharpened a little more. The end result is a little oversharpened intentionally so that when reduced a little, it still looks good, since that's how most people will see the image.
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