Jeanine holds a WTF / ji do kwan 1st dan, as well as an ATF 1st dan. She trained as my student initially to 1st dan, then went off to college where she found an ATF school. Multiple dan rankings are rare, particularly for 1st dan students; I encourage my students to get a second ranking in another style or variation, even to the point of giving them 1/2 class credit (in time, not technique) for doing so, but of course getting another dan ranking remains a huge task. Jeanine is commended for stepping up to the plate here.
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1:1250 Ships - Amiga - Animations - Aquarium - Arcade - Art - Astro - Audio - Aurora - B&W - Ben - Cars - Cathouses - Cats - Clouds - Comics - Comets - Crepuscular - Dollhouses - Deb - Deer - Designs - DTank - Eclipses - Family - Fireworks - Florida - Fog - Food - Friends - Gear - Ham Radio - Horses - Humor - Infrared - IROC - iToolBox - James Blish - Judy - Library - Meezers - Milford - Minerals - Models - Montana - Moon - Morphing - Motorcycles - Music - OSX - Pareidolia - Pickles - Pinups - Pizza - Portraits - Radios - Rainbows - Recipes - ReFlex - Restorations - Science Fiction - SdrDx - Shortwave - Spaghetti - Stained Glass - Storms - Sunbeams - Sunrises - Sunsets - Superstition - |