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Tuesday, June 5th, 2007
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Library Ceiling

This shows all but one of the ceiling paperback shelves we built onto the bottom of the 9" BCI joists that support the floor above. When we get the final shelf on as well as the rest of the paperbacks, we'll alphabetize them.

The building, an old church, had 14' ceilings, and so splitting that into two equal spaces minus the floor thickness results in each floor having about 6' 7" of headroom. This puts the base of the joists at a convenient height for retrieving paperback books. Also, this approach provides about 132 additional linear feet of paperback shelf space (6 BCIs, a 1"x12" board creating 2 shelves each 11' long), which leaves the room walls available for other volumes, of which we have plenty.

Eventually — when we get around to it — the library walls will have built-in continuous shelves that go all the way around three walls, 11' each. Right now, we're using prefab shelves to give us somewhere besides the floor to store books. At the time this shot was taken, there were still many hundreds of volumes remaining to move from our old digs. At the back of the room, you can see one of the old windows, which has been sealed off and insulated in preparation for building a wall in front of it that will back the shelves.

Just at the bottom of the image, you can see a Marantz 2325 which serves as the library sound system. This old classic was the ultimate in hi-fi for its day, which was about 1972 or so. In the library, it drives a passive subwoofer and two Linaeum-based surrounds. Sounds fabulous.

The only other non-book-related features of the room are two recliners, a chess table, and a wall with a fishtank and a doorway.

When we're done, there will be about 363 linear feet of bookshelves in the room, between about 231' on the walls (3 walls, 11' each, 7 shelves) and the 132' at the ceiling. This isn't enough for all of our books, but some sections, such as the music and martial arts sections, can go to the spaces devoted to those pursuits (there's a small, but complete, martial arts studio in a building out back that I built by hand, as well as a music studio.) If there is overflow after that, the joists over the entryway may be called into service. You simply can't have too many bookshelves, or books, as far as we're concerned.

#library #marantz


Width: 2560
Height: 1920
Company:  Olympus optical co.,ltd
Camera:  E-20,E-20N,E-20P
Shot On:  2007:06:05 16:35:20
Aperture:  ƒ/2.0
Exposure Time:  1/30th second
Exposure Program:  Normal Program
ISO:  80

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