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Friday, June 22nd, 2007
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Library South Wall, Minus Periodicals

This is in the library taken from the recliners, looking left.

What you see here is mostly my James Blish collection; science fiction, fantasy, some poetry, criticism and anthology work as well; fanzines, two complete bibliographies, Ketterer's book on Blish, all his Star Trek novelizations, and a bunch of foreign editions as well. I even have the complete Boys Life serialization of The Star Dwellers.

I'm still looking for the Vanguard 78 RPM record of "filk" music; not having much luck, been looking for twenty years now. If you have information on that, please email me.

I have all three of his Hugo awards as well as several lesser awards and mementos which I keep for the family. You can find them here.

One notable change since this photo was taken is that the guitar you see here has been sacrificed to create this mutant instrument...

#jamesblish #library #guitar #sf

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