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Friday, February 17th, 2012
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Rockball — An Arcade Game

An arcade game I designed, both hardware and software.

You'd shoot the rocks, and they'd break up into smaller rocks, similar to asteroids. There was a black hole that would open up from time to time, which would apply strong gravity to the ship and, if you got too close, would suck you in. If you didn't get too close, you could use it to establish a circular or elliptical orbit, and shoot the rocks while orbiting. If your shots missed the rocks and hit the edges, they would bounce off and come back; so you had to avoid missing, or, failing that, avoid your own shots. The fuel gauge ran out with use of the rockets, and was recharged when you shot rocks. If you ran out of fuel, you blew up. This was an extremely fast-paced, even hyper, game, and required awesome reflexes to play through the various racks. Each rack offered more rocks.

This shot was taken under OSX, with VMWare running Windows, and ReFlex running there.

This game is available to play in my Flex emulation.

#arcade #florida #design #mysoftware #mygame #rockball #6809 #reflex #techii

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