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Thursday, August 30th, 2012
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The Meezer Takes a Stroll

This is our baby, Asia, out for a stroll. This is her second day with this contraption; the first day, we had to put her in it. The second day, we opened it and asked "you want to go out?" and she jumped right in. She loves this thing. Even met a little dog around the block she touches noses with through the netting.

The pet stroller is awesome. The netting is really tough, so it can't be clawed through; there are net windows on both ends and even on the top so you can look down inside the thing. It's got a liner in case you have a nervous animal, lol... not this critter, though. It folds up very small and clever, has not one, but two places to put drinks for your perambulating pleasure, and those red things on the back wheels are actually brakes so you can stop the thing on a mild incline safely.

All in all, a great deal of fun for everyone involved.

Although our other cats aren't quite so sure about this. Asia is really gregarious, so it's more her natural speed. We'll see if the others warm up to it.

#asia #cat #meezer


Width: 3168
Height: 4752
Company:  Canon
Camera:  Canon EOS 50D
Shot On:  2012:08:30 17:54:21
Aperture:  ƒ/7.1
Focal Length:  30.0mm
Metering Mode:  Spot
Exposure Mode:  Auto
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Exposure Time:  1/500th second
Exposure Program:  Aperture Priority
ISO:  400

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