SdrDx Docs -> abbreviations
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Beta Address:

11.0 - Abbreviations

A - Alternate

AC - Alternating Current

ADMIN - Administration

AF - Audio Frequency

ALT - Alternate

AM - Amplitude Modulation

ARO - Amateur Radio Operator

BCB - BroadCast Band

C&C - Command & Control

CB - Citizens Band

Ch - Channel

Chans - Channels

CMD - Command

CPU - Central Processing Unit (hardware in your computer)

CW - Continuous Wave (morse code)

CWL - Continuous Wave (morse code), Lower Sideband

CWU - Continuous Wave (morse code), Upper Sideband

DA - Data

DC - Direct Current

dB - Decibels (a logarithmic measure of power)

dBm - Decibels referenced to one milliwatt

DX - Distance

DIV - Division

DRM - Digital Radio Mondial (digital broadcast)

EMERG - Emergency

EURO - European

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

FCD - FunCube Dongle

FED - Federal

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Administration

FM - Frequency Modulation

GHz - Gigahertz

GPU - Graphics Processing Unit (hardware in your computer)

HAM - Amatuer Radio Operator or operations

HI - High

HP - High Power

Hz - Hertz (cycles per second)

IF - Intermediate Frequency

IM - Image (SSTV or DRM encoded binary)

Ind - Industrial

KHz - KiloHertz (thousands of cycles per second)

LO - Low

LPFM - Low Power Frequency Modulation

LSB - Lower Sideband

LW - Longwave

M - Meters (usually means wavelength of frequency)

MARS - Military Amateur Radio Service

MAX - Maximum

MHz - Megahertz

MIN - Minimum

MW - Medium Wave

NATGRD - National Guard

NDB - Non Directional Beacon

NET - Network

OPS - Operations

PH - Phone (voice)

PKT - Packet (data packaged for network transfer)

PPM - Packets Per Minute

PRI - Priority

PRINET - Priority Network

PRIOPS - Priority Operations

R/C - Radio Control

RDS - Radio Data System

RF - Radio Frequency

RPT - Repeater

RTTY - Radioteletype

SAM - Synchronous Amplitude Modulation

SCA - Subsidiary Communications Authority

SDR - Software Defined Radio

SSB - Single Sideband

SSTV - Slow Scan Television

SW - Shortwave

SWL - Shortwave Listener

UNLIC - Unlicensed

USB - Upper Sideband

USAF - United States Air Force

USCG - United States Coast Guard

USN - United States Navy

uV - Microvolts

WEFAX - Weather FAX

WX - Weather

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