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Buitoni Toaster Pizza
Category: Cooking and Dining
by Admin on Monday, March 3rd, 2014 at 00:15:51
Buitoni Toaster Pizza

Seriously? Yes, seriously.

These were amazing frozen little za's you put in the toaster, heated a bit, let sit so they'd defrost all through, then you subjected them to another heating, and finally let sit for a minute after that, and then you could eat them. Oh, man... these were unbelievably good. A great sauce, excellent cheese, and the shell came out as a lightly browned, delicious crust.

You could do it wrong... over- or under-cook, not let it defrost completely, not wait that extra minute and burn the heck out of your mouth... all risks eminently worth taking.

Buitoni Toaster Pizzas. Oh, man.

Joseph commented:
I think I ate thousands of them when I was a kid — Why won’t they start producing them again? They won’t be able to keep them in the store ...and don’t F with the recipe! — and don’t change the original package design.
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