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Tuesday, May 14th, 2013
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Another image is available for Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

X1.2 Flare Caught

Just at the last moment when the sun was almost over my horizon, it hiccuped mightily and threw a colossal X1.2 class flare. I've inset the X-Ray flux graph so you can see the slow onset and peak; the SdrDx image was snapped right at the X1.2 peak. The background noise has risen substantially, as has the reference signal. Couldn't have hoped for a better demonstration of exactly what I was trying to accomplish.

Likely this also bodes well for some auroras within a few days. The flare wasn't face-on to us, but likely we'll catch some energy from the side, if experience is any guide. The moon is in a low phase, so that won't wreck any auroral opportunities, now if we get some aurora, and the weather just cooperates for once...

#swl #flare #sdrdx

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