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Thursday, December 5th, 2013
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Another image is available for Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Bathroom Window (Interior)

For those of you who've been following our church-to-home undertaking, this is the outer wall of the brand new upstairs bathroom, which we are in the process of finishing. The photo was taken from under the west loft, looking up past the kitchen.

The window shines (gently) into the dining and theater spaces, with Deb's newest stained glass piece acting as a nightlight for downstairs wandering. I hope to have interior shots within a week or so, when the painting is done and we (at least) have all the interior walls finished.

This bathroom is across the bridge from the master bedroom loft, and will serve as a guest bathroom for the space adjacent to it. It's a 1/2 bath, just a sink and a stool. There are some other design features that you may find interesting that'll show up soon. 😊



Width: 1356
Height: 1981
Company:  Canon
Camera:  Canon EOS 6D
Shot On:  2013:12:05 04:04:01
Lens Model:  EF24mm ƒ/1.4L II USM
Aperture:  ƒ/8.0
Focal Length:  24.0mm
Metering Mode:  Pattern
Exposure Mode:  Manual
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Exposure Time:  20.0 seconds
Exposure Program:  Manual
ISO:  100

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