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Monday, September 5th, 2022
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Subs at Home

Inasmuch as commercial sub sandwiches from places like Subway have hit such high prices, I took it upon myself to craft my own. It worked out really well.


  • ½ a loaf of French bread from Albertsons
  • Mayonnaise
  • Italian ham from Gordon's deli (mildly spiced)
  • Roast beef from Gordon's deli
  • Pepper Jack cheese
  • Shredded lettuce
  • Sliced tomatoes
  • Dill pickle chips
  • Sliced black olives

Once the sandwich was built I sliced the ½ loaf into two equal sections (so now two ¼ths of the loaf), which made them pretty easy to hold in one hand. Then I ate them while reading a great new e-book, The Cruel Stars, by John Birmingham. I did this for two days, using up the loaf of French bread.

Doing the math, these subs cost me less than half of what Subway charges for essentially the same sandwich (with considerably inferior bread.) Mine tasted much better, which I think was primarily due to the high quality of the meats from Gordon's deli and the Albertson's French bread.

#food #recipe


Width: 3438
Height: 1629
Company:  Samsung
Camera:  SM-S908U (Galaxy S22 Ultra Cellphone)
Shot On:  2022:09:05 13:52:30
Aperture:  ƒ/2.2
Exposure Mode:  Auto
Flash:  Fired
Exposure Time:  1/60th second
Exposure Program:  Normal Program
ISO:  125

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