I got fed up with the various social media chat systems. Slack, Discord, Ryver, etc. They offer very limited text styling, inflexible display formats, poor (and slow ) support, and of course, corporate eyeballs always looking over our shoulders, shoving ads at us, restricting speech and participation, demanding fees, breaking this and that with "upgrades", etc. Having had enough, I spent some time (about a month of spare-time effort) and wrote my own. My system is, perhaps most importantly, surveillance-, nannying-, and ad-free. It offers a decent set of features. The usual ones as well as some goodies I'd always wanted in a social media engine. Here's a quick summary of some of the high points:
#mysoftware #chat #social #media
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1:1250 Ships - Amiga - Animations - Aquarium - Arcade - Art - Astro - Audio - Aurora - B&W - Ben - Cars - Cathouses - Cats - Clouds - Comics - Comets - Crepuscular - Dollhouses - Deb - Deer - Designs - DTank - Eclipses - Family - Fireworks - Florida - Fog - Food - Friends - Gear - Ham Radio - Horses - Humor - Infrared - IROC - iToolBox - James Blish - Judy - Library - Meezers - Milford - Minerals - Models - Montana - Moon - Morphing - Motorcycles - Music - OSX - Pareidolia - Pickles - Pinups - Pizza - Portraits - Radios - Rainbows - Recipes - ReFlex - Restorations - Science Fiction - SdrDx - Shortwave - Spaghetti - Stained Glass - Storms - Sunbeams - Sunrises - Sunsets - Superstition - |