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Friday, December 2nd, 2011
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New Radio Setup

Canon EOS 50D, Sigma 30 mm ƒ/1.4

I needed to get my gear out of the "stacks" I had made so I could work with individual radios and other devices. So I got some lumber and cobbled together this shelf, and the results are as you see.

Both keyboards and the trackpad can slide into "garages" underneath the shelf, which gives me a clean working surface for taking notes, etc.

The shelf itself slides forward easily on the surface of the desk so I have about two feet of working area behind it when I want to reconfigure the wiring.

I'm gearing up for the now-active solar cycle; the level of the sun's activity correlates directly with how radio waves get from one place to another (or don't.) So some gear comes out of the basement, other stuff goes down, and the station itself gets a once over, which is what happened here.

I have a few more things to do — set up a microphone boom, bring a microphone over from the studio, install a few more antennas outdoors — then I'll have two to four years to play radio dude until the sun lapses back into a quiet state.

#swl #hamradio


Width: 4752
Height: 3168
Company:  Canon
Camera:  Canon EOS 50D
Shot On:  2011:12:02 19:17:24
Aperture:  ƒ/5.6
Focal Length:  30.0mm
Metering Mode:  Spot
Exposure Mode:  Manual
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Exposure Time:  1/15th second
Exposure Program:  Manual
ISO:  400

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