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Friday, February 17th, 2012
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Solar Fox — An Arcade Game

This is a game I wrote the sounds for while working for one of Bally-Midway's subsidaries.

Funny story... the fellow who was writing the code for this was a bit clueless about physics. The shots from the spaceship didn't carry the velocity of the ship; I pointed out that this was not in the least how things actually worked, and he gave me a bunch of clueless malarky about how an aircraft or a ship was a "stationary platform" at the moment it fired. No matter how I tried to tell him that any physical ammunition on a ship would carry the momentum of the vehicle just to start with, he wouldn't believe it. It's amazing how people will cling to their preconceptions regardless of how off the mark they are.

Artwork (original cabinet and game board/sprites): Roland

The sounds for this were reused in the "Satan's Hollow" video game.

#florida #arcade #design

Width: 1268
Height: 1437

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