Here's the heater assembly for the catsle. I took a heavy board, glued (with three different glues) the ceramic heater to approximately the center of it, created a dependable strain relief for the AC cord, hinged a basket over that, zip-tied the AC cord to that in turn so that when the basket is opened, the cord flexes rather than pulls, and then locked down the basket. This prevents the cats from getting too close to the input or the output of the heater, and if they do snuggle up to any one part of the basket, there will still be adequate airflow to allow the heater to work without risk of overheating or fire. The heavy board and wide footprint also prevent the assembly from overturning, although even if it did, it wouldn't cause a problem, because that heater isn't coming off that board without using a crowbar and a hammer. I was going to use the other two nylon loops to attach a wire retainer to the heater, but it turns out that you can pick the assembly up by the heater and shake it very hard and the heater won't budge, so... meh. The heater itself is a 125/250 watt unit; it's more than sufficient to keep the catsle quite a bit warmer than outdoor ambient. That, along with the fact that there's no wind inside and the heated pad, provides a safe and cozy environment for the catsle's denizens. If it has to be serviced, pulling one screw will open the basket, and the heater would then be pried (or hammered) off and replaced. The entire assembly can be lifted out through any of the tower hatches if needed.
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