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Sunday, September 9th, 2012
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Stained Glass Window

Here is Deb's latest, we put it up on the east side of the house. Taken outside because the window spans two floors. I'm going to have to work out a way of gently lighting the section near the bottom so the window has equal illumination. It's overlapped a little bit on the right by a couch as well.

As this faces east, we'll get beautiful morning light through it.

We put the Dragon/Tiger back up on the east side, too — it got taken out of the west side to make room for the western door.



Width: 1029
Height: 1830
Company:  Canon
Camera:  Canon EOS 50D
Shot On:  2012:09:09 20:22:25
Aperture:  ƒ/7.1
Focal Length:  30.0mm
Metering Mode:  Spot
Exposure Mode:  Manual
Flash:  Did Not Fire
Exposure Time:  2.5 seconds
Exposure Program:  Manual
ISO:  100

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